CLAS Network
CLAS Network
History of the CLAS Network
Since 2006, the New Jersey Institute of Technology’s (NJIT) College of Science and Liberal Arts (CSLA) has promoted and implemented a number of projects designed to leverage the University’s technological and educational expertise for the improvement of K-12 education. Under the vision of Dr. Fadi Deek, now NJIT’s Provost, and the direction of Dean Kevin Belfield of CSLA, Drs. James Lipuma and Bruce Bukiet have worked to improve both in-class and digital learning aspects of primary and secondary education. These efforts are now focused on digital learning and learning object design in several forms.
Dr. Lipuma and Dr. Bukiet recognized the growth of the availability of resources online, while simultaneously experiencing how time consuming it can be to find appropriate learning objects. For example, often one must sift through many videos before finding one appropriate to the situation. From this realization, the Curriculum, Learning and Assessment Studies (CLAS) Network was conceived. The CLAS Project is an integrated framework for K-16 research and professional development. Through an on-line network, conferences, workshops, and a peer-reviewed journal, the project seeks to bring together educators in order to create a community of evidence-based best practices. An essential component of the CLAS Project is the CLAS Network.
What is the CLAS Network?
The CLAS Network is a repository for educational resources and materials, thus providing access to these materials to all educational stakeholders including teachers, students, parents, and beyond. Users can either create Learning Objects or a variety of other forms of content, or consume those materials published on the CLAS Network by other users. This contributes to a major goal of the CLAS Network, to become a ‘one-stop shop’ for digital learning resources. The Network also connects educational stakeholders around content and pedagogy with user-defined groups, personal messaging, and the ability to collaborate with other users on topics and issues defined by the users themselves. The mission of the CLAS Network is to address the need for a repository of vetted educational videos and learning objects of various types, which are easily accessible and searchable, so that educators can find what they need quickly and efficiently, while connecting with their peers and colleagues around the world.
The CLAS Network is coming soon! When the website launches, the URL will be placed here!
Publications about the CLAS Network
coming soon...